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Pandas notebook
Convert dictionary entries into variables
[+]import imp try: imp.find_module('pandas') import pandas as pd pandas=True except ImportError: print 'Install pandas to have method 3' pandas=False class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, adict): self.__dict__.update(adict) datapar={"MH0": 53., "MH":125.3, "MA0":120., "MH1":130., "La2":0.01, "LaL":0.001, "Mtr01": 91., "Mtr02": 92., "Mtr03": 93,"Mtrch1": 91.8, "Mtrch2": 92.8, "Mtrch3": 93.8, "y11R": 0.0, "y12R": 0.0, "y13R": 0.0, "y21R": 0.0, "y22R": 0.0, "y23R": 0.0, "y31R": 0.0, "y32R": 0.0, "y33R": 0.0, "y11I": 0.0, "y12I": 0.0, "y13I": 0.0, "y21I": 0.0, "y22I": 0.0, "y23I": 0.0, "y31I": 0.0, "y32I": 0.0, "y33I": 0.0} SM={'vev':246.0,'alpha_em':1.0/128.,'G_F':1.166e-5,'m_e':0.000511,'m_mu':0.1057,'m_tau':1.777} #Method 1: definiing name spaces sm=Bunch(SM) dp=Bunch(datapar) print 'Method 1, namespace:',sm.m_e,dp.MH1 #Method 2: using the names directly for key,val in SM.items(): exec(key + '=val') for key,val in datapar.items(): exec(key + '=val') print 'Method 2, directly:',m_e,MH1 #Method 3: Pandas: keep both dictionaries and variables if pandas: ds=pd.Series(datapar) ds.MH1=140. print 'Method 3, Pandas, keep both var and key:',ds.MH1,ds['MH1']
What exactly does *args and **kwargs mean?
[+]you can call functions with *mylist and **mydict to unpack positional and keyword arguments:
def foo(a, b, c, d): print a, b, c, d l = [0, 1] d = {"d":3, "c":2} foo(*l, **d)
0 1 2 3
Example: Suppose there exists some function stu.stu
>>> def testd(stu_func,*args,**kwargs): >>> print 'len',len(args) >>> for arg in args: >>> print arg >>> if kwargs is not None: >>> for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): >>> print "%s == %s" %(key,value) >>> if 'vev' in kwargs.keys(): >>> print 'vev found' >>> newargs=[10,20,0.1,2] >>> a=stu_func(*newargs,**kwargs) >>> print a >>> >>> testd(stu.stu,[MN],[MDF],[np.sqrt(lu**2+ld**2)],[lu/ld],vev=246.2) ---------- len 4 [30.0] [100.0] [1.5033296378372907] [0.06666666666666667] vev == 246.2 vev found 0.000884960384761
Professional way to pass functions with positional and keyword arguments:
[+]>>> def testd(stu_func,args=[],kwargs={}): >>> print 'len',len(args) >>> for arg in args: >>> print arg >>> if kwargs is not None: >>> for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): >>> print "%s == %s" %(key,value) >>> if 'vev' in kwargs.keys(): >>> print 'vev found' >>> newargs=np.array([10,20,0.1,2]) >>> a=stu_func(*newargs,**kwargs) >>> print a >>> >>> testd(stu.stu,args=[[MN],[MDF],[np.sqrt(lu**2+ld**2)],[lu/ld]],kwargs={'vev':246.2}) --------------------- len 4 [30.0] [100.0] [1.5033296378372907] [0.06666666666666667] vev == 246.2 vev found 0.000884960384761
[+]Convert small numbers in zeros
Arrays manipulation
[+]Reverse any array
[+]>>> x[::-1]
Data mining with Numpy
[+]Some txt file has the following structure
#var1 var2 var3
0.0 1.3 2.8
3.2 1.5 3.2
. . .
The following program could be used to analyse the data
from pylab import * dic={} x=np.loadtxt('data.txt') dic['var1']=x[:,0] dic['var2']=x[:,1] dic['var3']=x[:,2] #then you can apply masks y=x[sin(dic['var1'])==0]
See module here
Copy array
[+]>>> import numpy as np >>> a=np.array([1,2,3]) >>> b=a >>> b[0]=5 >>> print a array([5,2,3])
To get
as an indepent copy of a
- Copy array
from arraya
in new addressb=np.zeros(a.shape) b[:]=a
- Use
module>>> import copy >>> a=np.array([1,2,3]) >>> b=copy.deepcopy(a) >>> b[0]=5 >>> print a array([1,2,3])
Exponential (and Polynomial) fit
[+]fmin_powell with extra arguments
[+]import scipy.optimize def relicdensity(x,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): datos= open('data0.par','w') datapar={"mmh": 126., "mmH0":63.54, "mmA0":166.16, "mmHch":73.78, "lamL":-0.00329, "lam2":0.000567} datapar['lamL']=x datapar['mmH0']=mH datapar['mmh']=mh datapar['mmA0']=mA datapar['mmHch']=mE1 datapar['lam2']=l2 writeinputf('data0.par',datapar) mo = commands.getoutput('../micromegas/Doblete_Inerte/main data0.par ') Omega=eval(mo.split('Omega=')[1].split('\n')[0]) print 'Omega interno',Omega return Omega def fmino(xarr,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): Omega=relicdensity(xarr[0],mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2) OmegaExp=0.11 return np.abs((Omega-OmegaExp)/OmegaExp) def optimo(x,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): '''looking for the minimum''' xarr=np.asarray([x]) x0=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(fmino,xarr,args=(mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2),xtol=1E-3,ftol=1E-3) return x0
convert scalar function to vectorial function
[+]>>> map(f,x,y)
To convert in a vectorial function for x,y, e.g, accepting arrays x and y, use
import numpy as np vf=np.vectorize(f,excluded={'a':2}) #Then >>> vf([1,2],[3,4]) ---- np.array([0.1,04])
String name and variable name conversions
[+]Convert string to variable name
[+]>>> exec('var=2') >>> print(var)
Convert variable name to string
[+]def name(**variables): return [x for x in variables][0] var=2 print(name(var=var)) var
[+]sudo python install --record install.record
Uninstall with
sudo rm $(cat install.record)
[+]>>> # regular unsorted dictionary >>> d = {'banana': 3, 'apple':4, 'pear': 1, 'orange': 2} >>> # dictionary sorted by key >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) OrderedDict([('apple', 4), ('banana', 3), ('orange', 2), ('pear', 1)]) >>> # dictionary sorted by value >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3), ('apple', 4)]) >>> # dictionary sorted by length of the key string >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0]))) OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('apple', 4), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3)])
[+]Tips and tricks
[+]- How to downcase the first character of a string in Python?. Example:
funcu = lambda s: s[:1].upper() + s[1:] if s else '' funcl = lambda s: s[:1].lower() + s[1:] if s else '' def upperonlyfirst(s): ss=[] for i in s.lower().split(): if len(i)>3: ss.append(funcu(i)) else: ss.append(i) return ' '.join(ss) s='JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS' >>> upperonlyfirst(s) >>> 'Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'
Beautiful Soup
[+]<strong> <div class="record_body"> <a class = "titlelink" href= "/record/903906"> Antioquia U. </a> </strong> <br /> <small> Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto de Fisica, Grupo de Fenomenologia, de Interacciones Fundamentales, P.O. Box 1226, Medellin, COLOMBIA<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <span class='moreinfo'><a href="/search?p=%22Antioquia%20U.%22&f=affiliation">158 Papers from Antioquia U.</a></span> </small> </div>
Use either
soup.findAll("div", { "class" : "record_body" })
soup.findAll("a", { "class" : "titlelink" })
[+]Intialize pandas with a list of dictionaries
[+]import pandas as pd x=pd.DataFrame([{'a':1,'b':2},{'a':3,'b':4}])
how to read file with space(s) separated values
[+]$cat kk.csv a b c 1 23 9
Fast way:
>>> pd.read_csv("kk.csv",delim_whitespace=True)
use delimiter : string, default None. Alternative argument name for sep. Regular expressions are accepted.
>>> pd.read_csv("kk.csv",delimiter=r"\s+")
| | a | b | c | |0 | 1 | 23 | 9 |
Recommended main program
[+]xd=pd.DataFrame() ins=pd.Series({'A':1,'B':2}) for i in range(2): output_data=pd.Series({'C':ins.A+ins.B+i,'D':ins.A-ins.B+i}) xs=ins.append(output_data) xd=xd.append(xs.to_dict(),ignore_index=True) xd.to_csv('data.csv',index=False) #load as #xd=pd.read_csv('data.csv')
Display pandas in some php webpage
[+]Pandas configurations
[+]pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
Increase the number of characters of the output cell:
Read complex numbers in pandas
[+]Drop columns from dataframe
Drop rows only considering certain columns for identifying duplicates
Rename columns of a DataFrame
[+]df.rename_axis({"A": "ehh", "C": "see"}, axis="columns")
Split a column of a Pandas DataFrame and add new columns
Rounding problems
[+]decimal module
[+]>>> a=1E-11 >>> b=11000 >>> c=-a-b #Right result >>> 1.0001*a+(b+c) 9.060529822707175e-13 #Wrong result! >>> 1.0001*a+b+c 0.0 #Fix de problem: >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> float(Decimal(1.0001*a)+Decimal(b)+Decimal(c)) 9.060529822707176e-13
[+]class A(object): class A(object): ''' object allow to pass __init__ to child objects >>> a = A() init >>> a() call ''' classvar='Allows to use A.classvar directly! (without instance)' def __init__(self): self.var='value' #Only defined after instance is created; i=A() -> A.var print("init...") def __call__(self,x): print("call:") return x def __setitem__(self,k,v): '''See:''' print({k:v})
o=A() print o(1.1) o['a']=1 >>>>OUTPUT<<<<< init... call: 1.1 {'a': 1}
Inherited class variable modification in Python
class Parent(object): classfoobar='Hello' def __init__(self): self.foobar = ' world' class Child(Parent): classfoobar = Parent.classfoobar + ' cruel' def __init__(self): super(Child, self).__init__() self.foobar=self.classfoobar+self.foobar
>>> Parent.classfoobar 'Hello' >>> P=Parent() >>> P.foobar ' world' >>> Child.classfoobar 'Hello cruel' >>> C=Child() >>> C.foobar 'Hello cruel world'
About `super`: What is the correct way to extend a parent class method in modern Python
You use super:
Example add method has_key('k') to python 3 dict:
class hkdict(dict): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): super(hkdict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def has_key(self,k): return k in self #============ >>> hkdict(python3_dict).has_key('hola mundo')
No label specified
In other words, a call to super returns a fake object which delegates attribute lookups to classes above you in the inheritance chain. Points to note:
This does not work with old-style classes — so if you are using Python 2.x, you need to ensure that the top class in your hierarchy inherits from object.
You need to pass your own class and instance to super in Python 2.x. This requirement was waived in 3.x.
This will handle all multiple inheritance correctly. (When you have a multiple inheritance tree in Python, a method resolution order is generated and the lookups go through parent classes in this order.)
Take care: there are many places to get confused about multiple inheritance in Python. You might want to read super() Considered Harmful. If you are sure that you are going to stick to a single inheritance tree, and that you are not going to change the names of classes in said tree, you can hardcode the class names as you do above and everything will work fine.
class Person(object): def greet(self): print "Hello" class Waiter(Person): def greet(self): super(Waiter,self).greet() print "Would you like fries with that?"
[+]# pip install pyslha
Last version pyslha 3.1.1. To intialize one input file
#The order matters spcskel=''' block modsel block smin{CODE(colors="python")}def grep(pattern,multilinestring): '''Grep replacement in python as in: $ echo $multilinestring | grep pattern dev: re.M is for multiline strings ''' import re grp=re.finditer('(.*)%s(.*)' %pattern, multilinestring,re.M) return '\n'.join([ for g in grp]) multilinestring='From Here\nto Eternity\nto Infinity' print grep('^to',multilinestring) ======= to Eternity to Infinity{CODE}puts block minpar block sphenoinput ''' LHA=pyslha.readSLHA(spcskel,ignorenobr=True,ignorenomass=True).blocks
[+]- Python implementation of grep with re (TODO: option -v)
def grep(pattern,multilinestring): '''Grep replacement in python as in: $ echo $multilinestring | grep pattern dev: re.M is for multiline strings ''' import re grp=re.finditer('(.*)%s(.*)' %pattern, multilinestring,re.M) return '\n'.join([ for g in grp]) multilinestring='From Here\nto Eternity\nto Infinity' print grep('^to',multilinestring) >OUPTUT to Eternity to Infinity
Import modules from other directories
[+]Import module from parent directory
[+]import sys from pathlib import Path cmd_folder=Path(Path.cwd()).parent.as_posix() if cmd_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder)
import your_module
Commands vs subprocess
[+]commands.getoutput('command --options args')
subprocess.Popen('command --options args',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
subprocess.Popen('ls file*',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
However, the use of `shell` option is considered insecure and in absence of this, the full command must be passed as list, e.g:
subprocess.Popen('command --options args'.split(),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
One convenient implementation inside of a Python 3 code could be:
class subproccess_to_commands(object): ''' Compatibility class for python 2 commands module intialize as: commands=subproccess_to_commands() USAGE after inizialization: commands.getoutput("command") ''' import subprocess def getoutput(self,*args,**kargs): o,e=subprocess.Popen(*args,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,**kargs).communicate() if o: return o.decode('utf8').strip() else: return e.decode('utf8').strip()
To get output line by line in python 3 (see and )
def execute(*args,**kwargs): kwargs['stdout']=subprocess.PIPE kwargs['bufsize']=1 kwargs['universal_newlines']=True with subprocess.Popen(*args,**kwargs) as p: for line in p.stdout: print(line, end='') # process line here if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args)
execute('for i in $(seq 1 3);do echo $i; sleep 1;done',shell=True)
Compatibility Python 2.x Python 3.x
[+]Testing in Python
[+]Recommended framework in python is nose
pip3 install nose
[+]from import assert_equal def test_example(): assert_equal(1 + 1, 2)
Non Advanced Search or Natural Search
Advanced Search or Boolean Search
Default search behavior
By default, all search terms are optional. It behaves like an OR logic. Objects that contain the more terms are rated higher in the results and will appear first in their type. For example, wiki forum will find:
- objects that include both terms
- objects that include the term wiki
- objects that include the term forum
Requiring terms
Add a plus sign ( + ) before a term to indicate that the term must appear in results. Example: +wiki forum will find objects containing at least wiki. Objects with both terms and many occurences of the terms will appear first.
Excluding terms
Add a minus sign ( - ) before a term to indicate that the term must not appear in the results. To reduce a term's value without completely excluding it, use a tilde. Example: -wiki forum will find objects that do not contain wiki but contain forum
Grouping terms
Use parenthesis ( ) to group terms into subexpressions. Example: +wiki +(forum blog) will find objects that contain wiki and forum or that contain wiki and blog in any order.
Finding phrases
Use double quotes ( " " ) around a phrase to find terms in the exact order, exactly as typed. Example: "Alex Bell" will not find Bell Alex or Alex G. Bell.
Using wildcards
Add an asterisk ( * ) after a term to find objects that include the root word. For example, run* will find:
- objects that include the term run
- objects that include the term runner
- objects that include the term running
Reducing a term's value
Add a tilde ( ~ ) before a term to reduce its value indicate to the ranking of the results. Objects that contain the term will appear lower than other objects (unlike the minus sign which will completely exclude a term). Example: +wiki ~forum will rate an object with only wiki higher that an object with wiki and forum.
Changing relevance value
Add a less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) sign before a term to change the term's contribution to the overall relevance value assigned to a object. Example: +wiki +(>forum < blog) will find objects that contain wiki and forum or wiki and blog in any order. wiki forum will be rated higher.