import imp try: imp.find_module('pandas') import pandas as pd pandas=True except ImportError: print 'Install pandas to have method 3' pandas=False class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, adict): self.__dict__.update(adict) datapar={"MH0": 53., "MH":125.3, "MA0":120., "MH1":130., "La2":0.01, "LaL":0.001, "Mtr01": 91., "Mtr02": 92., "Mtr03": 93,"Mtrch1": 91.8, "Mtrch2": 92.8, "Mtrch3": 93.8, "y11R": 0.0, "y12R": 0.0, "y13R": 0.0, "y21R": 0.0, "y22R": 0.0, "y23R": 0.0, "y31R": 0.0, "y32R": 0.0, "y33R": 0.0, "y11I": 0.0, "y12I": 0.0, "y13I": 0.0, "y21I": 0.0, "y22I": 0.0, "y23I": 0.0, "y31I": 0.0, "y32I": 0.0, "y33I": 0.0} SM={'vev':246.0,'alpha_em':1.0/128.,'G_F':1.166e-5,'m_e':0.000511,'m_mu':0.1057,'m_tau':1.777} #Method 1: definiing name spaces sm=Bunch(SM) dp=Bunch(datapar) print 'Method 1, namespace:',sm.m_e,dp.MH1 #Method 2: using the names directly for key,val in SM.items(): exec(key + '=val') for key,val in datapar.items(): exec(key + '=val') print 'Method 2, directly:',m_e,MH1 #Method 3: Pandas: keep both dictionaries and variables if pandas: ds=pd.Series(datapar) ds.MH1=140. print 'Method 3, Pandas, keep both var and key:',ds.MH1,ds['MH1']
def foo(a, b, c, d): print a, b, c, d l = [0, 1] d = {"d":3, "c":2} foo(*l, **d)
0 1 2 3
>>> def testd(stu_func,*args,**kwargs): >>> print 'len',len(args) >>> for arg in args: >>> print arg >>> if kwargs is not None: >>> for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): >>> print "%s == %s" %(key,value) >>> if 'vev' in kwargs.keys(): >>> print 'vev found' >>> newargs=[10,20,0.1,2] >>> a=stu_func(*newargs,**kwargs) >>> print a >>> >>> testd(stu.stu,[MN],[MDF],[np.sqrt(lu**2+ld**2)],[lu/ld],vev=246.2) ---------- len 4 [30.0] [100.0] [1.5033296378372907] [0.06666666666666667] vev == 246.2 vev found 0.000884960384761
>>> def testd(stu_func,args=[],kwargs={}): >>> print 'len',len(args) >>> for arg in args: >>> print arg >>> if kwargs is not None: >>> for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): >>> print "%s == %s" %(key,value) >>> if 'vev' in kwargs.keys(): >>> print 'vev found' >>> newargs=np.array([10,20,0.1,2]) >>> a=stu_func(*newargs,**kwargs) >>> print a >>> >>> testd(stu.stu,args=[[MN],[MDF],[np.sqrt(lu**2+ld**2)],[lu/ld]],kwargs={'vev':246.2}) --------------------- len 4 [30.0] [100.0] [1.5033296378372907] [0.06666666666666667] vev == 246.2 vev found 0.000884960384761
>>> x[::-1]
from pylab import * dic={} x=np.loadtxt('data.txt') dic['var1']=x[:,0] dic['var2']=x[:,1] dic['var3']=x[:,2] #then you can apply masks y=x[sin(dic['var1'])==0]
>>> import numpy as np >>> a=np.array([1,2,3]) >>> b=a >>> b[0]=5 >>> print a array([5,2,3])
as an indepent copy of a
from array a
in new addressb=np.zeros(a.shape) b[:]=a
module>>> import copy >>> a=np.array([1,2,3]) >>> b=copy.deepcopy(a) >>> b[0]=5 >>> print a array([1,2,3])
import scipy.optimize def relicdensity(x,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): datos= open('data0.par','w') datapar={"mmh": 126., "mmH0":63.54, "mmA0":166.16, "mmHch":73.78, "lamL":-0.00329, "lam2":0.000567} datapar['lamL']=x datapar['mmH0']=mH datapar['mmh']=mh datapar['mmA0']=mA datapar['mmHch']=mE1 datapar['lam2']=l2 writeinputf('data0.par',datapar) mo = commands.getoutput('../micromegas/Doblete_Inerte/main data0.par ') Omega=eval(mo.split('Omega=')[1].split('\n')[0]) print 'Omega interno',Omega return Omega def fmino(xarr,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): Omega=relicdensity(xarr[0],mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2) OmegaExp=0.11 return np.abs((Omega-OmegaExp)/OmegaExp) def optimo(x,mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2): '''looking for the minimum''' xarr=np.asarray([x]) x0=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(fmino,xarr,args=(mH,mh,mA,mE1,l2),xtol=1E-3,ftol=1E-3) return x0
>>> map(f,x,y)
import numpy as np vf=np.vectorize(f,excluded={'a':2}) #Then >>> vf([1,2],[3,4]) ---- np.array([0.1,04])
>>> exec('var=2') >>> print(var)
def name(**variables): return [x for x in variables][0] var=2 print(name(var=var)) var
sudo python install --record install.record
sudo rm $(cat install.record)
>>> # regular unsorted dictionary >>> d = {'banana': 3, 'apple':4, 'pear': 1, 'orange': 2} >>> # dictionary sorted by key >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) OrderedDict([('apple', 4), ('banana', 3), ('orange', 2), ('pear', 1)]) >>> # dictionary sorted by value >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3), ('apple', 4)]) >>> # dictionary sorted by length of the key string >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0]))) OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('apple', 4), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3)])
funcu = lambda s: s[:1].upper() + s[1:] if s else '' funcl = lambda s: s[:1].lower() + s[1:] if s else '' def upperonlyfirst(s): ss=[] for i in s.lower().split(): if len(i)>3: ss.append(funcu(i)) else: ss.append(i) return ' '.join(ss) s='JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS' >>> upperonlyfirst(s) >>> 'Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'
<strong> <div class="record_body"> <a class = "titlelink" href= "/record/903906"> Antioquia U. </a> </strong> <br /> <small> Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto de Fisica, Grupo de Fenomenologia, de Interacciones Fundamentales, P.O. Box 1226, Medellin, COLOMBIA<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <span class='moreinfo'><a href="/search?p=%22Antioquia%20U.%22&f=affiliation">158 Papers from Antioquia U.</a></span> </small> </div>
soup.findAll("div", { "class" : "record_body" })
soup.findAll("a", { "class" : "titlelink" })
import pandas as pd x=pd.DataFrame([{'a':1,'b':2},{'a':3,'b':4}])
$cat kk.csv a b c 1 23 9
>>> pd.read_csv("kk.csv",delim_whitespace=True)
>>> pd.read_csv("kk.csv",delimiter=r"\s+")
| | a | b | c | |0 | 1 | 23 | 9 |
xd=pd.DataFrame() ins=pd.Series({'A':1,'B':2}) for i in range(2): output_data=pd.Series({'C':ins.A+ins.B+i,'D':ins.A-ins.B+i}) xs=ins.append(output_data) xd=xd.append(xs.to_dict(),ignore_index=True) xd.to_csv('data.csv',index=False) #load as #xd=pd.read_csv('data.csv')
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
df.rename_axis({"A": "ehh", "C": "see"}, axis="columns")
>>> a=1E-11 >>> b=11000 >>> c=-a-b #Right result >>> 1.0001*a+(b+c) 9.060529822707175e-13 #Wrong result! >>> 1.0001*a+b+c 0.0 #Fix de problem: >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> float(Decimal(1.0001*a)+Decimal(b)+Decimal(c)) 9.060529822707176e-13
class A(object): class A(object): ''' object allow to pass __init__ to child objects >>> a = A() init >>> a() call ''' classvar='Allows to use A.classvar directly! (without instance)' def __init__(self): self.var='value' #Only defined after instance is created; i=A() -> A.var print("init...") def __call__(self,x): print("call:") return x def __setitem__(self,k,v): '''See:''' print({k:v})
o=A() print o(1.1) o['a']=1 >>>>OUTPUT<<<<< init... call: 1.1 {'a': 1}
class Parent(object): classfoobar='Hello' def __init__(self): self.foobar = ' world' class Child(Parent): classfoobar = Parent.classfoobar + ' cruel' def __init__(self): super(Child, self).__init__() self.foobar=self.classfoobar+self.foobar
>>> Parent.classfoobar 'Hello' >>> P=Parent() >>> P.foobar ' world' >>> Child.classfoobar 'Hello cruel' >>> C=Child() >>> C.foobar 'Hello cruel world'
class hkdict(dict): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): super(hkdict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def has_key(self,k): return k in self #============ >>> hkdict(python3_dict).has_key('hola mundo')
class Person(object): def greet(self): print "Hello" class Waiter(Person): def greet(self): super(Waiter,self).greet() print "Would you like fries with that?"
# pip install pyslha
#The order matters spcskel=''' block modsel block smin{CODE(colors="python")}def grep(pattern,multilinestring): '''Grep replacement in python as in: $ echo $multilinestring | grep pattern dev: re.M is for multiline strings ''' import re grp=re.finditer('(.*)%s(.*)' %pattern, multilinestring,re.M) return '\n'.join([ for g in grp]) multilinestring='From Here\nto Eternity\nto Infinity' print grep('^to',multilinestring) ======= to Eternity to Infinity{CODE}puts block minpar block sphenoinput ''' LHA=pyslha.readSLHA(spcskel,ignorenobr=True,ignorenomass=True).blocks
def grep(pattern,multilinestring): '''Grep replacement in python as in: $ echo $multilinestring | grep pattern dev: re.M is for multiline strings ''' import re grp=re.finditer('(.*)%s(.*)' %pattern, multilinestring,re.M) return '\n'.join([ for g in grp]) multilinestring='From Here\nto Eternity\nto Infinity' print grep('^to',multilinestring) >OUPTUT to Eternity to Infinity
import sys from pathlib import Path cmd_folder=Path(Path.cwd()).parent.as_posix() if cmd_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder)
commands.getoutput('command --options args')
subprocess.Popen('command --options args',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
subprocess.Popen('ls file*',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
subprocess.Popen('command --options args'.split(),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
class subproccess_to_commands(object): ''' Compatibility class for python 2 commands module intialize as: commands=subproccess_to_commands() USAGE after inizialization: commands.getoutput("command") ''' import subprocess def getoutput(self,*args,**kargs): o,e=subprocess.Popen(*args,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,**kargs).communicate() if o: return o.decode('utf8').strip() else: return e.decode('utf8').strip()
def execute(*args,**kwargs): kwargs['stdout']=subprocess.PIPE kwargs['bufsize']=1 kwargs['universal_newlines']=True with subprocess.Popen(*args,**kwargs) as p: for line in p.stdout: print(line, end='') # process line here if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args)
execute('for i in $(seq 1 3);do echo $i; sleep 1;done',shell=True)
pip3 install nose
from import assert_equal def test_example(): assert_equal(1 + 1, 2)
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