Changing Font Size
[+]'C-x C-+' and 'C-x C--'
Full screen mode
file(defun toggle-fullscreen () "Toggle full screen on X11" (interactive) (when (eq window-system 'x) (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen (when (not (frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen)) 'fullboth)))) (global-set-key [f11] 'toggle-fullscreen)
Tabbar mode
[+]$ sudo apt-get install emacs-goodies-el
In .emacs
;;;Tabbar mode ;;; ;;; Tabbing stuff ;;;http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/~sthrlnd/emacs_help.html ;;;http://groups.google.com/group/gnu.emacs.help/msg/74890e811a08003f (require 'tabbar) ;;;Groups (defun tabbar-buffer-groups () "Return the list of group names the current buffer belongs to. This function is a custom function for tabbar-mode's tabbar-buffer-groups. This function group all buffers into 3 groups: Those Dired, those user buffer, those LaTeX buffer, those emacs buffer etc. Emacs buffer are those starting with *." (list (cond ;; ((string-equal "*" (substring (buffer-name) 0 1)) ;; "tmp Buffers" ;; ) ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode) "Dired Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'latex-mode) "User Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'bibtex-mode) "User Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'org-mode) "User Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) "User Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'message-mode) "Gnus Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'mail-mode) "Gnus Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'gnus-group-mode) "Gnus Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode) "Gnus Buffers" ) ((eq major-mode 'gnus-article-mode) "Gnus Buffers" ) (t "Emacs Buffer" ) ))) (setq tabbar-buffer-groups-function 'tabbar-buffer-groups) ;;;Shortcuts ;;; (tabbar-mode) ;comment out this line to start without the tab on top (global-set-key [(control shift h)] 'tabbar-mode) (global-set-key [(control shift next)] 'tabbar-backward-group) (global-set-key [(control shift prior)] 'tabbar-forward-group) (global-set-key [(control next)] 'tabbar-forward) (global-set-key [(control prior)] 'tabbar-backward) (global-set-key [(control right)] 'tabbar-forward-tab) (global-set-key [(control left)] 'tabbar-backward-tab) (global-set-key [(control tab)] 'tabbar-last-selected-tab)
[+]Set M-x ispell-change-dictionary for all buffers
%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "master_file_base_name" %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "castellano8" %%% End:
and reload auctex from the master file
Dead keys not working in Emacs Ubuntu Lucid
[+](require 'iso-transl)
Non Advanced Search or Natural Search
Advanced Search or Boolean Search
Default search behavior
By default, all search terms are optional. It behaves like an OR logic. Objects that contain the more terms are rated higher in the results and will appear first in their type. For example, wiki forum will find:
- objects that include both terms
- objects that include the term wiki
- objects that include the term forum
Requiring terms
Add a plus sign ( + ) before a term to indicate that the term must appear in results. Example: +wiki forum will find objects containing at least wiki. Objects with both terms and many occurences of the terms will appear first.
Excluding terms
Add a minus sign ( - ) before a term to indicate that the term must not appear in the results. To reduce a term's value without completely excluding it, use a tilde. Example: -wiki forum will find objects that do not contain wiki but contain forum
Grouping terms
Use parenthesis ( ) to group terms into subexpressions. Example: +wiki +(forum blog) will find objects that contain wiki and forum or that contain wiki and blog in any order.
Finding phrases
Use double quotes ( " " ) around a phrase to find terms in the exact order, exactly as typed. Example: "Alex Bell" will not find Bell Alex or Alex G. Bell.
Using wildcards
Add an asterisk ( * ) after a term to find objects that include the root word. For example, run* will find:
- objects that include the term run
- objects that include the term runner
- objects that include the term running
Reducing a term's value
Add a tilde ( ~ ) before a term to reduce its value indicate to the ranking of the results. Objects that contain the term will appear lower than other objects (unlike the minus sign which will completely exclude a term). Example: +wiki ~forum will rate an object with only wiki higher that an object with wiki and forum.
Changing relevance value
Add a less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) sign before a term to change the term's contribution to the overall relevance value assigned to a object. Example: +wiki +(>forum < blog) will find objects that contain wiki and forum or wiki and blog in any order. wiki forum will be rated higher.