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How to reach us

Transport for José María Córdova International Airport to Medellín

  • Taxi:The Taxi for the full trip Airport-Medellin? cost around 30 USD.
  • Bus:Take the bus from Airport to Medellin with route "Las Palmas" (~4 USD). In the bus stop at "San Diego" take a Taxi from the queue there until the Hotel (~few USD). Alternatively ask the Bus driver to stop at "Exposiciones" Metro station . From Medellin to Airport take the bus behind the Hotel Nutibara: Cr50 A 53-13 Medellín, Tel: (57) (4) 5361419 (close to Parque Berrio Metro Station - Downtonwn ) (The duration of the trip by bus would is around 50-60 min).


To reach the Universidad de Antioquia

Metro:(external link) Estación Universidad (A-line)
Universidad de Antioquia(external link)
Instituto de Fí­sica(external link)
Calle 67 Número 53 - 108, Medellin(external link), Colombia(external link)
Office: 6-415

Directions from Metro Station(external link)

comHEP 2016: To reach ITM

Hotel Calasanz Real(external link), Cl. 50 #81-27

(opcion bus: Circular Coonatra)

Metro Hospital(external link).

Hotel Estadio Real(external link), Cra. 77c #48120

(opcion bus: Circular Coonatra en rompoy Av.Colombia con Cra 80)