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Course Outline

Last revised: 2013.05.27

  1. Day 1: Introduction to Working with Open Data
  2. Day 2: Review of Python and iPython (Chap 3 and Chap 13)
  3. Day 3: Getting started with pandas and NumPy I
  4. Day 4: Getting started with pandas and NumPy II
  5. Day 5: Pandas Cont'd / Introduction to Matplotlib / Projects
  6. Day 6: Project Brainstorming and Team Formation
  7. Day 7: Preparing for Courtlistener / Branching out to the Wikipedia, Freebase / Projects...
  8. Day 8: Courtlistener
  9. Day 9: Reflection: Courtlistener, Homework, Projects, Knight Challenge
  10. Day 10: Pip, Fixed Column Data, Freebase
  11. Day 11: Project Proposals and Pandas!
  12. Day 12: UC Data Lab and Data for our projects
  13. Day 13: Project Proposals and Continuing to Learn PfDA
  14. Day 14: Time, Space, and Baby Names
  15. Day 15: Midterm Preparation / Cloud Computing Teaser / Study Hall
  16. Day 16: PiCloud / AWS / CommonCrawl
  17. Day 17: Mid-term Exam
  18. Day 18: CommonCrawl
  19. Day 19: PiCloud, CommonCrawl revisited, Projects
  20. Day 20: Guest Speaker: Fernando Perez
  21. Day 21: The last stretch
  22. Day 22: Finishing up PiCloud work and preview of Juriscraper workshop
  23. Day 23: Projects
  24. Day 24: Projects II
  25. Day 25: Projects III
  26. Day 26: Guest Speaker: Eric Kansa on Open Context
  27. Day 27: Project Presentations I
  28. Day 28: Project Presentations II
  29. Day 29: Open Data Project Exhibit

Old plans:

  1. Review of Python & iPython (Chap 3 and Chap 13) + setup EPD
  2. NumPy and Getting started with pandas I (Chap 4, 5)
  3. Open Government Data I: US Census data: introduction how to work with
  4. Plotting and Visualization (Chap 8)
  5. Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats (Chap 6)
  6. Wikipedia: API, data structure
  7. NumPy and Getting started with pandas II (Chap 4, 5)
  8. Freebase, dbpedia, wikidata
  9. Data Wrangling: Clean, Transform, Merge, Reshape (Chap 7)
  10. working with geodata I
  11. JavaScript-based visualization I
  12. Publishing open data including LOD
  13. Google Refine
  14. working with geodata II
  15. JavaScript-based visualization II
  16. MIDTERM (Day 17, 2013-03-19)
  17. ????
  18. Wikipedia II
  19. Data Aggregation and Group Operations (Ch 9)
  20. Time Series (Ch 10)
  21. Financial and Economic Data Applications (Ch 11)
  22. ????
  23. Open Government Data II
  24. Advanced NumPy (Ch 12)
  25. PyData Misc I / Working on Projects
  26. PyData Misc II / Working on Projects
  27. Project Poster Session

To be scheduled:

  1. open scientific data (w/ guest lectures)
  2. using licensed UC Data Lab resources
  3. 1 to 3 more outside speakers

Can we fit other topics?

  1. open music data, open bibliographic data, etc (- open bibliographic data (e.g, the Harvard dataset,OCLC, HathiTrust))

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