
LaTeX to anything

works best with docx (csl file link)

Prepare LaTeX file
sed 's/\\cite/\\citep/g' draft.tex > kk.tex
mv kk.tex draf.tex

pandoc -s -r latex -w docx draft.tex -o draft.docx --bibliography=susy.bib -csl physical-review-d

pandoc [-s] -r input_format -w output_format inputfile -o outputfile

Bug report(external link) for numbered references:1, etc:
Input_format:  docbook, haddock, html, json, latex, markdown, markdown_github,
                markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki,
                native, opml, rst, textile
Output_format: asciidoc, beamer, context, docbook, docx, dzslides, epub, epub3,
                fb2, html, html5, json, latex, man, markdown, markdown_github,
                markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki,
                native, odt, opendocument, opml, org, pdf*, plain, revealjs,
                rst, rtf, s5, slideous, slidy, texinfo, textile
                [*for pdf output, use latex or beamer and -o FILENAME.pdf]


Examples(external link)

See link)

markdown to HTML to PDF

$ pandoc -s file.txt -o file.html

To fix the size of the text, inside de head tag og the generated html file add
<style type="text/css">
    body, html {
and finally
$ wkhtmltopdf -s Letter file.html file.pdf

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