C++/ROOT Tutorial for HEP
Omar Zapata (omazapa@gfif.udea.edu.co)
Camilo Salazar (casfisica@gmail.com)
Aula: 6-307
Horario: Lunes - Miércoles 4-6pm
Fecha de Inicio: Miércoles 30 de marzo de 2016
Repo Github
Tutorial librerias en mybinder por el profesor Diego Restrepo.
Course schedule
Hours | Teacher | Class | Themes
2 | Omar/Camilo | Tools | Git,Make,bash, diseño
8 | Camilo | C++ | --
2 | Omar | ROOT | Interprete, scripts, paquetes y clases
2 | Omar | ROOT I/O | TFile,TTree
2 | Camilo | Statistics | Random numbers.....
2 | Omar | ROOT Plotting | --
2 | Camilo | ROOT Fitting | ROOFIT, ....
2 | Omar | PyROOT | ....
2 | Omar | ROOT-R | ....
2 | Camilo | Machine Learning | ...
4 | Omar | TMVA | ...
2 | Omar y Camilo | Tools | Notebooks/Condor |
Home Work
- Tools
- Github repository creation
- Custom makefile
- c++
- Vector class with overloaded operators for sum and subtraction
- Custom ROOT file with vectors
- Custom ROOT file with TTrees
- Custom ROOT file with ROOT objects
- MonteCarlo Simulation
- Signal/Background
- output in Trees saved in ROOT file.
- Fitting
- Fitting Data
- Fitting Functions
- Fitting plots(hist, TF objects)
- comparison between Fit method in ROOT with Fit method on R
- Script for classification using our montecarlo model and using different methods
- Script for regression
- Script for variable importance using different classification methods
- ((Uso de Librerías|Librerías))