reshape colorspace minqa nloptr profileModel numDeriv rrcov GGally RColorBrewer dichromat munsell labeling pbkrtest itertools lme4 brglm lava cubature SparseM gdata caTools sgeostat robCompositions digest gtable scales proto Rcpp stringr rJava car missForest Formula corpcor foreach BradleyTerry2 ade4 rgl R2HTML prodlim np quantreg rgenoud lhs mnormt plotmo plotrix entropy latticeExtra acepack igraph combinat stabs nnls quadprog mvtnorm strucchange coin zoo sandwich doParallel iterators gtools bitops DEoptimR gplots pcaPP mvoutlier glasso matrixcalc RWekajars fdrtool maptree ParamHelpers BBmisc ggplot2 checkmate parallelMap plyr reshape2 ada adabag bartMachine brnn care caret clue clusterSim clValid cmaes CoxBoost crs Cubist DiceKriging DiceOptim DiscriMiner e1071 earth elmNN emoa extraTrees FNN FSelector gbm GenSA glmnet Hmisc irace kernlab kknn klaR kohonen laGP LiblineaR lqa mboost mco mda mlbench modeltools mRMRe nodeHarvest party penalized pls pROC randomForest randomForestSRC randomUniformForest RCurl rjson robustbase ROCR rrlda rsm RWeka sda stepPlr testthat tgp
install.packages("mlr", dependencies=TRUE)
#include<TRInterface.h> #include<vector> void ReadTree(std::vector<float> &var1,std::vector<float> &var2,std::vector<float> &var3,std::vector<float> &var4,TTree *t) { float v1,v2,v3,v4; t->SetBranchAddress("var1",&v1); t->SetBranchAddress("var2",&v2); t->SetBranchAddress("var3",&v3); t->SetBranchAddress("var4",&v4); for(int i=0;i<t->GetEntries();i++) { t->GetEntry(i); var1.push_back(v1); var2.push_back(v2); var3.push_back(v3); var4.push_back(v4); } } //read signal and background into R void ReadData() { ROOT::R::TRInterface &r=ROOT::R::TRInterface::Instance(); TString fname = "./tmva_class_example.root"; if (gSystem->AccessPathName( fname )) // file does not exist in local directory gSystem->Exec("curl -O"); TFile *input = TFile::Open( fname ); std::cout << "--- RMLR Classification : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl; // --- Register the training and test trees TTree *signal = (TTree*)input->Get("TreeS"); TTree *background = (TTree*)input->Get("TreeB"); //NOTE: the half of var1,var2,var3,var4 is the signal other half the background //signal variables std::vector<float> var1,var2,var3,var4; ReadTree(var1,var2,var3,var4,signal); //backgruond variables ReadTree(var1,var2,var3,var4,background); //passing variables to R r["var1"]<<var1; r["var2"]<<var2; r["var3"]<<var3; r["var4"]<<var4; //custom variables like in tmva r<<"myvar1 <- var1+var2"; r<<"myvar2 <- var1-var2"; //Factor is required for classification //this factor have two levels (background and signal) // r<<"target<-factor(c(rep('signal',6000),rep('background',6000)))"; //NOTE: the dataframe have myvar1,myvar2,var3,var4,target // xs1 ,xs2 ,xs3 ,xs4 ,signal // ......(6000 registers for signal) // xb1 ,xb2 ,xb3 ,xb4 ,background // ......(6000 registers for background) r<<"tmvadata <- data.frame(myvar1,myvar2,var3,var4,target=target)"; }
ROOT::R::TRInterface &r=ROOT::R::TRInterface::Instance(); ReadData(); r<<"library(mlr,quietly =TRUE)"; //## Define the task: r<<"task = makeClassifTask(id = 'RMLR', data = tmvadata, target = 'target')"; //## Define the learner: r<<"lrn = makeLearner('classif.lda')"; //## Define the resampling strategy: r<<"rdesc = makeResampleDesc(method = 'CV', stratify = TRUE)"; //## Do the resampling: r<<"r = resample(learner = lrn, task = task, resampling = rdesc, = FALSE)"; //## Train the learner //you can take a subset of data using sample function //and you can pass it using the option subset=data in the train function r<<"subset=seq(1, 12000, by = 2)";//3000 signals and 3000 background data // r<<"trainer = train('classif.lda', task,subset=subset)"; r<<"print('-------------------------------------------------------------------')"; r<<"print('------------Classification: LDA information ---------------------')"; r<<"print(trainer$learner)"; r<<"cat('TIME:',trainer$time,'\n\n')"; r<<"print(trainer$learner.model)"; r<<"print('-------------------------------------------------------------------')";
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