
Instalar Indico link)

apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python python-dev python-tz python-zopeinterface python-setuptools python-reportlab python-libxslt1 python-libxml2 python-imaging python-dateutil python-support libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev

instalar paquete de python para apache2

apt-get install libapache2-mod-python

Basically if you installed all packages required you can use python setuptools to install everything you need for successful Indico installation. These are actions you have to perform:

  1. upgrade setuptools to latest release (from ​

easy_install -U setuptools

easy_install indico
easy_install -U pytz
easy_install -U reportlab
easy_install -U simplejson

Copiamos indico a /opt

mkdir /opt/indico/
cp -rf  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/indico-1.1.2-py2.7.egg/* /opt/indico/

Editamos los archivos de configuración

# Indico configuration file
# This file is read on Apache startup. If you change any value you will need to
# restart Apache afterwards to have its changes take effect.
# Lines starting with "#" are comments and they will be ignored by Indico.


DBConnectionParams   = ('localhost', 9675)
DBUserName           = ""
DBPassword           = ""
DBRealm              = ""

# Redis

# To enable redis, specify a valid redis connection string here.
# Example: redis://unused:password@localhost:6379/0
# You also need to install the python redis client (pip install redis hiredis)
# Note that the Redis server needs to run at least Redis 2.6 with LUA support.
#RedisConnectionURL = None

# Possible values of SanitizationLevel:
#    0: Escape all HTML tags
#    1: Raise error if styles are used
#    2: Raise error if SCRIPT tag is used
#    3: No input filtering is done (DANGEROUS!)

SanitizationLevel    = 2

# AuthenticatedEnforceSecure controls whether HTTPS should be enforced for
# authentication and while logged in.
AuthenticatedEnforceSecure = "yes"

# Possible values of CSRFLevel:
#    0: Disable all CSRF checks (DANGEROUS!)
#    1: Check CSRF token for service requests
#    2: Check CSRF token for service requests and cookie-based API requests
#    3: The above & require an empty or valid referer for normal POST requests
CSRFLevel = 2

# URLs
# BaseURL is the url where Indico will be accessed:

BaseURL              = ""

# BaseSecureURL is the HTTPS location of Indico. Set empty string if you want to use http.

BaseSecureURL        = ""

# If you are using a custom user authentication system (see below) uncomment
# the following lines and specify the new URLs.
#   LoginURL             = ""
#   RegistrationURL      = ""

# You can use "fancy" URLs when giving out links to Indico's events and
# categories. The format of the final links must be:
#   BaseURL + ShortEventTag + Event Id
#   BaseURL + ShortEventTag + Category Id
# For example if a conference id is 5, your BaseURL is
# and you specify ShortEventTag = "/event/" then you can
# use the url to access the conference.
# ShortEventTag and ShortCategTag _must_ be different, they must contain only
# alphanumeric characters and they need to end with a forward slash.
ShortEventTag        = "event/"
ShortCategTag        = "categ/"

ArchiveDir           = "/opt/indico/archive"
BinDir               = "/opt/indico/bin"
ConfigurationDir     = "/opt/indico/etc"
DocumentationDir     = "/opt/indico/doc"
HtdocsDir            = "/opt/indico/htdocs"
LogDir               = "/opt/indico/log"
UploadedFilesTempDir = "/opt/indico/tmp"
XMLCacheDir          = "/opt/indico/cache"
# You can use 'redis', 'memcached' or 'files'. The files backend caches objects in
# XMLCacheDir while the Memcached backend uses one or more memcached servers. The
# Redis backend uses
#CacheBackend         = 'files'
# When using memcached, provide a tuple containing 'ip:port' entries for the
# memcached servers. Do not forget to firewall those servers as memcached has no
# authentication at all!
#MemcachedServers     = ('',)
# When using redis, provide a redis connection string for the Redis server.
#RedisCacheURL = 'redis://unused:password@localhost:6379/1'

SmtpServer           = ('localhost', 25)
SmtpLogin            = ""
SmtpPassword         = ""

# If your SMTP server is using TLS write "yes", otherwise write "no"

SmtpUseTLS           = "no"

# SupportEmail is the email address where all automatically generated
# application errors will be sent to.

SupportEmail         = ""

# PublicSupportEmail is an email address that will be shown in Indico and where
# users are expected to find help when they have using the website.

PublicSupportEmail   = "root@localhost"

# NoReplyEmail is the email address showed when we do not want the users to answer
# an automatically generated email.

NoReplyEmail	     = "noreply-root@localhost"

# If you change either ApacheUser or ApacheGroup after installation and you
# are on Linux you need to chown -R the directories pointed at by
#   - LogDir
#   - UploadedFilesTempDir

# ApacheUser is the user that Apache runs as (Look for "User" inside httpd.conf)

ApacheUser = "www-data"

# ApacheGroup is the group that Apache runs as (Look for "Group" inside httpd.conf)

ApacheGroup = "www-data"

# Here you can limit the maximum size of all the uploaded files (in MB) in a
# request
# default: 0 (unlimited)

MaxUploadFilesTotalSize = 0

# Here you can limit the maximum size of an uploaded file (in MB)
# default: 0 (unlimited)

MaxUploadFileSize = 0

# Indico has an interface to interact with an external file conversion system
# to convert from some formats to others but right now there is no publicly
# available file conversion software.
# If you are interested in this feature please contact us at:
# FileConverter        = {"conversion_server": "localhost", "response_url": "http://localhost/"}

# Indico supports the use of the X-Sendfile header:
# If your webserver supports this feature and you want to activate it,
# you should set it to 'yes'. Default value is 'no'
#     UseXSendFile = "yes"

UseXSendFile = "no"

# Indico ships with a fully working user authentication system (Local) but you
# can use an external system.
# If you want to have all users authenticate only to an external user management
# system (for example: MyAuthSystem) you should write:
#     AuthenticatorList = ['MyAuthSystem']
# If you want to authenticate users against more than one authentication system
# you can write them like this (systems will be queried about users from left
# to right):
#     AuthenticatorList = ['Local', 'LDAP', 'MyAuthSystem']
# The default configuration will use only Indico's authentication system.

AuthenticatorList    = ['Local']

# Uncomment/customize the following lines if you want to use LDAP authentication
# LDAPConfig = {'host': '',
#               # use TLS (do so, if your server allows)
#               'useTLS': True,
#               # filter parameters for users, base DN to use
#               'peopleDNQuery': ('uid={0}', 'DC=example,DC=com'),
#               # filter parameters for groups, base DN to use
#               'groupDNQuery': ('cn={0}', 'OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com'),
#               # query used to infer membership of a group
#               'membershipQuery': 'memberof={0}',
#               # access credentials of a user with read access
#               'accessCredentials': ('CN=user,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com','secret_password')
# }

# If you want to customize how Indico l like you can create your own
# CSS stylesheet, copy it to the folder "css" inside the HtdocsDir directory
# and then put the name of the file here (without the .css).
# If you just want to modify small parts you can put at the beginning of your
# stylesheet the following line:
#   @import "Default.css"
# And then just add the few changes that you want to make.

CssStylesheetName    = "Default"

# Indico allows users to download all the information and materials associated
# with a conference through the 'Offline Website Package' command.
# The PublicFolder variable points to a directory that must live inside htdocs
# and it is the directory that Indico will use to store this offline website
# packages to allow users to download them.
# This directory needs to be writeable by the Apache user.

# PublicFolder         = "/opt/indico/htdocs/results"


# Categories that you want to limit to certain IPs (RSS, iCal,
ExportACL = {}


# Time to live of the OAuth Tokens
OAuthAccessTokenTTL = 10000


# If you have an installation of the mobile version of Indico, you can enable the
# notification that encourages its usage when the user accesses the Desktop Indico
# from a mobile device. One only needs to add the URL of Indico mobile here:
# MobileURL = "http://m.indico.your.domain"

NoReplyEmail = ''
ExportACL = {}
ExportACL = {}
ExportACL = {}

Damos permisod web
chown -R www-data.www-data /opt/indico/

El documento original está disponible en