- Minimal LaTeX install
- Formato LaTeX para carta GFIF.
- LaTeXTips
- Curso LaTeX
- LaTeXSpanish
- Beamer
- Convert to odt and to other formats: rtf, doc, etc
- epstopdf
- Automatic bibliography from spires
- latexmk: Automatic update of LaTeX (dvi/ps or PDF) output with cross-referencing
- AMSLaTeX Reference Card
- Nice thread about LaTeX in prezi, with several tools to produce vectorial math formulas. (use svg instead of swf in codecogs-mod)
- GitLaTeX workflow
- OnlineLaTeXEditors
- LateXdiff
- master2single: Flatten a master LaTeX file
- JHEP style recommendations (PDF)
- cdlatex-mode
- LaTeX page numbering
- AucTeX
- PDF from a GitHub LaTeX repository